how to create slideshow using AI

Create a slider with AI

The tech world is rushing towards a new era – the AI. Forget buzzwords, this is a game-changer. This will revolutionize entire industries and workflows, potentially impacting your career path, your field, and even your future.

What is AI and how can it affect your workflow?

Emerging from the field of machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has achieved a significant breakthrough. It can now not only learn and adapt but also generate entirely new creative formats, from captivating visuals to sophisticated written text. This represents a major paradigm shift within the creative industry, redefining the boundaries between computational power and human artistic expression.

AI workflows harness the power of artificial intelligence to streamline and enhance business processes that are often manual and repetitive. By automating these tasks, organizations can significantly improve overall productivity and efficiency. This shift frees up valuable employee time, allowing them to focus on more strategic and complex work.

The expansion of the web is no exception to this trend, and all those working in this field can somehow utilize AI to enhance and optimize their daily mechanisms and routines. In this article, we will talk about the pros of using AI in slider world.

Benefits of using AI for making website sliders

Streamlined Design

With just a few clicks, AI tools can streamline the complex process of designing layouts and matching to design standards. This allows you to achieve the best possible outcome or the closest possible approximation for your slider, aligned with your website’s visual framework, in the shortest possible time. This eliminates the need for manual iteration and guesswork

Effortless Content Curation

Spend less time searching for visuals. AI can suggest royalty-free images and videos based on your chosen theme or keywords. This ensures your sliders are visually compelling and relevant to your audience.

A/B Testing Made Easy

AI streamlines A/B testing by automatically generating variations of your slider with different elements. Quickly identify the most effective design for your target audience.

Creating AI Slider with Depicter

The following video tutorial provides a comprehensive walkthrough of using AI in WordPress with the Depicter plugin. However, if you prefer more detailed text instructions, please refer to the steps outlined below:

To create and add a slider to your website using AI in WordPress, we will use the Depicter plugin.

Install the Depicter plugin:

  • Go to the Plugins menu.
  • Click Add New Plugin.
  • Search for Depicter.
  • Click Install and then Activate.

After entering the dashboard, navigate to the “AI Slider” section to initiate the process of creating an AI-powered slider.

Category Selection: Begin by selecting the appropriate category for your slider’s topic.

Keyword Input and Slide Count: Next, specify the slide topic using keywords and indicate the desired number of slides.

Topic Selection: Choose relevant topics for each slide from the list suggested based on the category selected in the previous step.

Content and Image Suggestions: For each slide select the most relevant image from the list generated using the information provided in the earlier steps.

Color Scheme and Layout Selection: In the final step, choose your preferred color scheme and overall layout for the slider from the available options.

Once completed, your slider is ready for use.

And here it is, the whole process of creating a slider using AI in WordPress for your website via the Depicter plugin.


The world of web design is rapidly evolving with the integration of AI.  AI-powered tools like Depicter empower users for using AI in WordPress to create professional-looking website sliders with minimal effort.  These tools not only streamline the design process by suggesting layouts and content but also save valuable time by automating tedious tasks.  If you’re looking to enhance your web presence and stay ahead of the curve, consider embracing the power of AI in web design.


  1. Do I need any design experience to use AI sliders?

No prior design experience is necessary! AI tools like Depicter offer user-friendly interfaces that guide you through the process. With simple keyword selection and image choices, you can create professional-looking sliders even if you’re a beginner.

  1. Are AI-generated images original and copyright-free?

The article mentions Depicter suggests “royalty-free images” based on your chosen theme. This means you can use these images legally without copyright restrictions for your website.

  1. Can I customize the AI-generated slider further?

Absolutely! While AI provides a strong foundation, you still have creative control. You can adjust the suggested layouts, color schemes, and text content to perfectly match your website’s unique style and brand.

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